Frank Beckmann
The Frank Beckmann Center for Journalism will keep citizens informed with accurate news and analysis which exposes government overreach and abuse. An informed people are essential to holding government officials accountable and shaping sound public policy.
We support this mission on many fronts, including:
A monthly radio show on Michigan’s WJR discusses issues and developments impacting people across the state.
We produce videos, podcasts and other content across all platforms, reaching audiences wherever they may be.
CapCon is a daily news site reporting on government activity, with a unique focus on policies that affect individual liberty and economic freedom.
The Beckmann Center hosts and trains an intern class each year, offering a unique opportunity to future journalists interested in the principles of freedom and individual liberty. This 10-week program immerses these aspiring professionals in the process of generating story ideas, cultivating sources, writing, editing and publishing.
The Beckmann Center puts government data in the hands of the people. Our free online databases are a resource for everything from public employee salaries to contracts to bargaining agreements to lawmaker votes. Our legal team is the state’s staunchest defender of the Michigan Freedom of Information Act.
We speak with and publish commentaries in elite state and national media, bringing free-market news and analysis to the Wall Street Journal, The Hill, Detroit Free Press, Associated Press and others.